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VCE Extended Investigation

In 2021 we successfully applied for VCE Collaboration funding in partnership with North Geelong Secondary College in order to be able to offer VCE Extended Investigation in 2022.

We are one of two schools in the Geelong-Bellarine region to offer this VCE subject.

VCE Extended Investigation enables students in our schools to select an area of focus that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to select because of reduced subject offerings. For example, a student with an interest in politics, philosophy or a particular time branch of computing would be able to explore their interest despite not being able to study a specific VCE subject at either of our schools.

In 2022, our students explored the following research projects:

  • Plastic Recycling: To what extent does the Victorian curriculum influence the decision making of female students aged between 12-18 in relation to plastic recycling?
  • Breaking down perceptions: A mixed method study investigating perceptions of both teachers and high school aged females 16-18 about menstrual education in Victorian Public Schools
  • The Effectiveness of culturally appropriate courts and therapeutic approaches in helping reduce the over-representation in the court sentencing system for Pacific Islander Youth in Australia. (Research Question: How can the Victorian Children’s Koori Court act as a model to help other cultural groups reduce the over-representation in the court sentencing system for children aged 10-17 years old?)
  • How has the use of Crisper – Cas 9 caused debate behind the need for legislative reform in Australia relating to genome editing technologies?
  • Civics and Citizenship: Achieving a Better Outcome for Victoria’s Youth
  • Voices in Practice – challenges to understanding mind wandering and its benefits for students’ creativity and problem solving in a Victorian secondary school
  • Girls’ political aspirations: A study investigating how gender bias in Australian politics influences adolescent girls’, aged 15-18, political aspirations in regional Victoria